We believe that by providing new opportunities and experiences for our students that we stand the best chance of developing them into more inquisitive, explorative learners.
This year we chose to support our curriculum coverage of power and conflict poetry with a trip to the Eden Camp museum in Pickering. Our cohort of pupils for the trip was wide ranging, some of our pupils had previously become disengaged with learning, others poor attending, some with really low levels of self-confidence or independence, some of our pupils had never even been to a museum before. It was therefore incredibly awe-inspiring to see how engaged and interested each one of them were as we walked around the camp. Each of them full of questions and occupied by thought – a real example of cognitive thought in practice.
It was incredible to see how our learners engaged positively throughout the day and were constantly asking questions throughout. The pod with the bomb explosives was a real eye opener for the students. It’s days like this that make me really proud of our students. They are grateful for the experiences we can provide for them as a school and this is proven when they behave the way they do in public places. It goes to show that sat behind a desk is not always the best way of learning.