How it works?
Pupil Premium 2022/23 - £59,400 (CLA PPG)
Rise Academy receives extra funding to help all groups of children reach their potential, move past their history and find their ambition. This extra funding is called Pupil Premium and is linked to the number of students who take free school meals, are ‘Looked After’/ adopted or belong to service families.
At Rise 96% (inclusive of LAC) of our learners are supported by our Pupil Premium focus; many of our strategies not only narrow the gap to ensure above expected progress is demonstrated but these approaches indirectly raise the aspiration and outcomes of others.
Some of our approaches this year have included
- Development of our ‘Rise Above’ therapy centre
- Development of our ‘Rising Stars’ intervention and assessment centre
- Partnership with West Yorkshire CAMHS for staff CPD
- Employment of our dedicated Education Psychologist two days per week to develop and implement therapeutic approaches to support the emotional development of our learners
- Targeted professional development from our Education Psychologist to enhance the expertise of the staff team
- We employ a designated outreach worker for LAC
- We ran targeted exams preparation sessions
- Tracking Year 11 leavers into positive post 16 destination
- We employ an outreach teacher to support the Literacy and Numeracy progress of LAC learners
Our Objective
100% of our Ever 6 FSM learners meet their aspirational ‘Rise’ target within an academic year.
Key Performance Indicators
Rise (KS4):
- 85% attendance (significantly above national PRU average)
- 100% Y10 achieve E3 to Level 1 FS by end of year
- 80% Y11 achieve GCSE Grade 1-3
- 15% Y11 achieve L2 FS
- 8% Y11 achieve GCSE Grade 4+ in English & Maths
- 5% Y11 achieve 5 or more GCSE Grade 4+
- Increase L2 vocational offer to allow 15% of the Y11 cohort to match L2 core outcome with a L2 vocational qualification
- 100% EET at September Guarantee – 90% tracked to Jan 2021/22 census
Whole school:
- The curriculum meets the needs of all students with SEN, CLA, PP, and other vulnerable groups
- 100% of students on entry have their SEN needs identified within 3 terms
- All teaching staff have responsibility (through PMR) to support and identify SEN need
Pupil Premium Review: Summer Term 2023
School at a Glance
We are inspirational
By approaching students as individuals and understanding their perspectives, we find new and exciting ways to reactivate their engagement with learning. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution here.