6: Enrichment

Enrichment opportunities that sit outside of the classroom environment but which underpin Personal Development and the CORE Curriculum.
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5: Voice



SMSC Curriculum
Aims to encourage our students to develop into spiritually aware, independent, morally responsible and emotionally healthy individuals.
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3: Wellbeing

Wellbeing, mental health & pastoral needs of our students & staff.
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2: Careers

Our students need support to find a way forward post-16.
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1: Admissions

Our Rise Academy Trauma-informed Admissions Process aims to start building a professional relationship with parents / carers / students during a meeting in which we listen.
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DNA: 5.Voice

Rise Academy is committed to listening to students, parents, carers, external agencies and partner providers with a view to their voice being an integral and valued part of the decision making and participation within the school.

This commitment to listen has already led us to gain certification regarding the parental partnership award and wellbeing award.

Rise continue to build on and around these achievements by:

• Regular student voice & partner provider voice embedded in our vocational provision quality assurance process.

• Parent/carer/student voice being at the heart of all admissions, meetings and conversations to continually ensure we are effectively meeting need.

• Parent/carer voice canvassed on all academic review days.

• Students voice regards aspirations & post-16 goals which supports our future vocational commissioning direction.

This year Rise is also moving towards implementing a student’s Parliament in which “constituents” within tutor groups discuss an appropriate agenda set by the Head of School and is within these 8 principals linked to British Values:

Student voice activities should make a positive and demonstrable contribution to the life of the school

Policies and practices on student voice must reflect the capacity of pupils to participate in particular activities and the extent to which they can reasonably be held to account for the results of their actions

Student voice activities must not undermine teachers’ professional authority and must not compromise other fundamental rights of children and young people

Student voice activities and policies must be consistent with, and support work to promote, equality and diversity, while tackling discrimination and prejudice

Student voice and respect of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is not and must never be mutually exclusive from a school’s ability to secure and maintain positive pupil behaviour

Approaches to student voice must be inclusive and give all pupils an opportunity to participate

Student voice activities should be part of a system that values and respects the views of all members of the school community, including staff

Student voice activities must not add to teacher and head teacher workload or school-level bureaucratic burdens

A nominated “MP” for each tutor group will then meet in “Parliament” each term to discuss their outcomes and share with Staff.

This approach to voice will result in all being heard, strengthen the sense of student belonging and support Rise in moving forward in its holistic, child-centred approach.

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