Enrichment opportunities that sit outside of the classroom environment but which underpin Personal Development and the CORE Curriculum.
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Rise Academy is committed to listening to students, parents, carers, external agencies and partner providers with a view to their voice being an integral and valued part of the decision making and participation within the school.
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SMSC Curriculum
Aims to encourage our students to develop into spiritually aware, independent, morally responsible and emotionally healthy individuals.
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Our students need support to find a way forward post-16.
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Our Rise Academy Trauma-informed Admissions Process aims to start building a professional relationship with parents / carers / students during a meeting in which we listen.
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DNA: 3.Wellbeing
Rise Academy is committed to embedding a holistic, evidence based whole school approach to supporting wellbeing, mental health & pastoral needs of our students & staff and therefore pledges to:
Provide a welcoming, trauma informed, calm, safe environment that promotes respect and values diversity.
Offering a PSHE/RSHE curriculum that teaches and promotes resilience and supports social and emotional learning.
Appoint a Senior Mental Health lead to develop and oversee the whole Rise Academy mental wellbeing approach supported by a team of MHFA trained “Mental Health Champions”.
Place at least one fully trained Youth Mental Health First Aider in all key stages with a view to increasing this support by upskilling all staff to be at least Mental Health Aware.
Put in place a pastoral & attendance team who, along with tutors ensure good communication between school and home, and, coupled with a staff team who are emotionally available means any issues or barriers can be swiftly attended to.
Have 2 Crisis Prevention Institute Instructors in place who deliver staff annual accredited training to ensure care, welfare, safety and security for all.
Put in place regular staff development on varying relevant topics to upskill staff to support themselves and to better meet the needs of our students.
Continually develop our Informed Practice that acknowledges the prevalence of trauma and considers all areas we can support.
Further develop on then reassess the Optimus Education Wellbeing Award achieved in June 2022.
For further support around wellbeing and mental health:
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